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Bear, Boris, & Tasha - Schipperke Dogs


in honor of my first schipperke, lost in July 2003. May "Bear" rest in peace.
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Life moving forward for good things

Wow, a friend of mine on facebook just reminded me that I even have this blog. Hmmm, what’s been going on since my last entry four months ago?

I was re-reading my posts and I see a pattern. Feel good, free crappy, feel ok, focused, observant, feel good & strong. The pattern I see…Two steps UP, one step Down, one step Up, 2 step sideways, 2 steps UP. If I were to make this a graph, it would mostly be an uphill climb. That’s good!

My best friend has returned, but I have questions. Why back?, why now (two months ago)?, will they leave again and if so when? Do I believe in miracles? G_d I hope so. Are things too good to be true. G_d I hope not. That’s too deep, where the heck did that perspective come from?

At face value, here is what I have been up to….. I rode my bike & exercised daily/consistently until about Mid-December. It dwindled from there for several reasons (not for bad, just for life challenges). I still go to the Theatre (Broadway Plays here on the west coast), and national basketball games (Go Blazers! & Lakers!). Gone out a few times with friends to local bars, dances & restaurants. Even attended a Scrapbooking convention for a couple of days. Keep building on the social side of me. Good positive changes!

Work has been very busy. By trade I am a worker bee, but have been teaching other co-workers across my employer on different topics. I am honored they chose me. I am enjoying it. I hear from others that most staff speak pretty highly of me, my knowledge, my skillset, my work ethics, etc. What a nice thing to know. Believe you me, I do not take this information lightly. I have worked hard to have a good reputation and I am happy my hard work has paid off. My only job now is to keep doing what I am doing and be the best person I can be (sounds like a familiar cliché).

Speaking of new upbeat things…I signed up for a half-marathon -13 miles. Yes, you read that correctly. Am I crazy, ha, yes. I am learning to walk. I spoke with a trainer today. He, the trainer promises to teach me jog and eventually run. Go figure. I need to learn to WALK first. I am up to 2-3 miles of walking. Now I need to learn to walk at a minimum pace of about 15 min/mile. Doesn’t sound hard to you? Well, I’ve been doing it for three weeks now and just got down from 20 minute average to a 17 minute average. My trainer won’t let me move on to next stage until I get the consistency down. Please don’t tell him I’ve been doing some jogging on my own. I never was very patient at waiting. I have until September for the next Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. For the first time I want to run it. It is only a 5k, but it should be an easy run so in October I can run (or at least walk/jog/run) the half marathon. Again, good positive changes.

Well, I am not sure how to end this, so I will just say goodday/goodnight wherever you are and whatever time it is that you came to visit.

Until next time……..Cheers! \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Constant Changes

Constant Change - an oxymoron - that is what life has been since my last post.

I have been constantly making and accepting changes.

Let's see, on one hand some parts of my life are more complicated than ever. On the other hand my social life is expanding.

I took on a challenge for Susan G Komen Race for the Cure - you can still donate thru Oct 19th - http://rfcp.convio.net/goto/DevraS I successfully raised over $2,600 and am one of the top 100 fundraisers in my city.

I have began scrapbooking, card making and project swapping again. I started riding my bike to work (for three weeks now). I continue to grow closer to my friends and family, even those far away.

Balancing home/social life & work life has been a positive challenge.

I am learning more about who I am and what I am capable of!

I will leave the heavy challenging mood swings for another blog. For now I must remember I am strong, I am a survivor!

thanks for reading my ramblings...........