About Me

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Bear, Boris, & Tasha - Schipperke Dogs


in honor of my first schipperke, lost in July 2003. May "Bear" rest in peace.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Constant Changes

Constant Change - an oxymoron - that is what life has been since my last post.

I have been constantly making and accepting changes.

Let's see, on one hand some parts of my life are more complicated than ever. On the other hand my social life is expanding.

I took on a challenge for Susan G Komen Race for the Cure - you can still donate thru Oct 19th - http://rfcp.convio.net/goto/DevraS I successfully raised over $2,600 and am one of the top 100 fundraisers in my city.

I have began scrapbooking, card making and project swapping again. I started riding my bike to work (for three weeks now). I continue to grow closer to my friends and family, even those far away.

Balancing home/social life & work life has been a positive challenge.

I am learning more about who I am and what I am capable of!

I will leave the heavy challenging mood swings for another blog. For now I must remember I am strong, I am a survivor!

thanks for reading my ramblings...........