About Me

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Bear, Boris, & Tasha - Schipperke Dogs


in honor of my first schipperke, lost in July 2003. May "Bear" rest in peace.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Will you help save a life?

July 2009 -- Sept 2009 focus
Most of us have had experiences that can break or heal us. I have been through both good and bad times, too. But today I choose to focus on something good. Fundraising for a great cause. I have been doing this since 2007. So many women tell me they hadn't had a mammogram in years, but since they heard my story they now go annually. That is beautiful. Prevention is soooo important. But these are women who can go to the doctor. Many women cannot for financial reasons. Susan G Komen helps those women by donating to the clinics to make a mammogram free or low cost. Your donations makes that happen. Won't you help us help those who need it?
Every dollar counts............

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What was your day like?

What was your day like? I would like to live through the eyes of others for a short time.

Mine was pretty boring atypical for me. I went to work. I went to a business meeting (not work related). I went to the doctor's office. I watched a movie called "12 rounds". It's a fairly good action film, you should rent it. Returned the rental movie. Somewhere in there I walked my two dogs (Boris and Tasha the Schipperke pair) and played with their squeekie toys. Yes, I let them play, too. And POOF, the day was over. It's now late in the evening and taking a few minutes to check email, check-in here and then call it a night. All so I can do it all over again tomorrow.

I am sure my day sound pathetic to some and busy or whatever to others. But in the throw of everything I know I have friends and acquaintences that care. That is the exciting part of my day.

So now, comment and tell me about your day..............

and don't forget to check out http://rfcp.convio.net/goto/DevraS

Monday, July 6, 2009

Funny how time flies. I wrote the below blog. It is now July 6th, 2009 and I didn't even remember starting the blog. WOW............

It is Saturday, January 31, 2009 . It's almost 1:30pm and am still in my pjs......LOL Why am I here? I have no clue. Yet, somehow, here I am. I am a very lucky person. I have lived enough years to know there is so much more to learn and yet never enough time. Hmmm, sounds "heavy". It just means we make choices and those choices take us to places. Kind of like today. I could make this day very fulfilled and productive (ah but procrastination got in the way). I decided to first check my email. This lead me to a scrapbookers blog or two or three and ended up here. What lead you here? Tell me............... ps. if you know who I am, you can find me on myspace and on facebook! AND HAVE A WONDERFUL LAZY SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Here we are 6 months later and things are not quite so relaxed and peachy-keen.

My story in short:

These past 7 + yrs I have been through a lot. I had an emergency appendectomy which lead to other icky findings. Shortly after that my father died of multiple cancers and parkinson's disease. Shortly after that I had another emergency surgery due to masses near my colon (ended up benign), then came the loss of my baby boy 20 weeks into the pregnancy. As if that wasn't enough, then I had breast cancer. During this same time we lost my mother and father-in-law (they were closer to me in many ways than my own parents).

But let's not dwell on the crappy stuff for now.

Instead I would rather focus on something positive, something good. Something worthwhile.

My choice is breast cancer.

I want to help others. I want to pass along knowledge that I have learned and help raise funds that will help those in need. You can read my story and help by going to http://rfcp.convio.net/goto/DevraS

Then once you have read that page and/or made your donation, come back here and comment away. Tell me your story or comment on mine.

The conversation around the need for mammograms, early detection and finding a cure is a conversation we need to keep going................