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Bear, Boris, & Tasha - Schipperke Dogs


in honor of my first schipperke, lost in July 2003. May "Bear" rest in peace.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Life moving forward for good things

Wow, a friend of mine on facebook just reminded me that I even have this blog. Hmmm, what’s been going on since my last entry four months ago?

I was re-reading my posts and I see a pattern. Feel good, free crappy, feel ok, focused, observant, feel good & strong. The pattern I see…Two steps UP, one step Down, one step Up, 2 step sideways, 2 steps UP. If I were to make this a graph, it would mostly be an uphill climb. That’s good!

My best friend has returned, but I have questions. Why back?, why now (two months ago)?, will they leave again and if so when? Do I believe in miracles? G_d I hope so. Are things too good to be true. G_d I hope not. That’s too deep, where the heck did that perspective come from?

At face value, here is what I have been up to….. I rode my bike & exercised daily/consistently until about Mid-December. It dwindled from there for several reasons (not for bad, just for life challenges). I still go to the Theatre (Broadway Plays here on the west coast), and national basketball games (Go Blazers! & Lakers!). Gone out a few times with friends to local bars, dances & restaurants. Even attended a Scrapbooking convention for a couple of days. Keep building on the social side of me. Good positive changes!

Work has been very busy. By trade I am a worker bee, but have been teaching other co-workers across my employer on different topics. I am honored they chose me. I am enjoying it. I hear from others that most staff speak pretty highly of me, my knowledge, my skillset, my work ethics, etc. What a nice thing to know. Believe you me, I do not take this information lightly. I have worked hard to have a good reputation and I am happy my hard work has paid off. My only job now is to keep doing what I am doing and be the best person I can be (sounds like a familiar cliché).

Speaking of new upbeat things…I signed up for a half-marathon -13 miles. Yes, you read that correctly. Am I crazy, ha, yes. I am learning to walk. I spoke with a trainer today. He, the trainer promises to teach me jog and eventually run. Go figure. I need to learn to WALK first. I am up to 2-3 miles of walking. Now I need to learn to walk at a minimum pace of about 15 min/mile. Doesn’t sound hard to you? Well, I’ve been doing it for three weeks now and just got down from 20 minute average to a 17 minute average. My trainer won’t let me move on to next stage until I get the consistency down. Please don’t tell him I’ve been doing some jogging on my own. I never was very patient at waiting. I have until September for the next Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. For the first time I want to run it. It is only a 5k, but it should be an easy run so in October I can run (or at least walk/jog/run) the half marathon. Again, good positive changes.

Well, I am not sure how to end this, so I will just say goodday/goodnight wherever you are and whatever time it is that you came to visit.

Until next time……..Cheers! \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/

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